In acute conditions, never give more than three doses of the remedy in the same potency, If the patient is much better or worse after any dose, don't repeat. Latter it may be necessary to repeat in a higher potency.
Never repeat the remedy, as long as improvement continues even if it is slow.
Dr. Case - A remedy which can bring a symptoms to the surface will usually cure without further medication. Therefore wait and watch.
Dr. T.K. Moore - Minutes or hours in acute, a week or months in chronic. Never repeat while amelioration holds.
Dr. M.L. Tyler - In sudden attacks I often change the remedy in half an hour.
Dr Jahr - Remember when tempted to repeat, it is better to come in late than too soon.
Dr. Sir John Weir - As a general rule in acute cases the repetition should be frequent, until a decided remission of the symptoms occur. If there is no improvement after a few hours, a fresh medicine should be sought.
Dr. J.H. Clarke - If the symptoms for which a remedy is given are removed and new symptoms appear, withhold the hand if you wish the case to go on to recovery.
Dr. Lippe - After a prescription is giving relief do not give a remedy for any new symptom in a less vital part.
Dr. Lippe - It is a primary rule not to keep repeating your remedy when the intervals between the aggravations of the disease are lengthening. This is an indication that the patient is improving.
Recorder, 1931 - It is not always that the technical single dose is the best practice, but the single collective effect is always to be sought.
Dr. J.T. Kent - Always conserve the strength of your patient and never repeat a remedy which exhausts him.
Recorder, 1931 - In chronic cases there is no danger in waiting on a single dose and it frequently requires days or even weeks before a change may be noticed, but when undisturbed, always followed by a happy action of the true remedy. In chronic cases, the skill of the physicians is gauged to a large extent on the action of the remedy. He must know the nature of the disease and the indication of the favourable action of the remedy. If the disease goes from within outwards and above downwards, from the more important to less important organs he may rest assured that his remedy is favourably acting and a repetition of dose is not called for.
Dr W.A. Yingling - One great trouble has been to keep from giving medicine unnecessary, I write down the symptoms of all the cases of chronic character and when the patient comes in again saying they are no better, I take down my record book and enquire the different symptoms as given in the first visit and if the same or any of the symptoms are better, it is an indication to let the patient alone. No special attention needs to be paid to polyps, the cheesy secretions or the haemorrhoidal tumours. The way of keeping yourself from repeating unnecessarily is to put down in black and white the symptoms and at succeeding visits go carefully one by one. It is the only scientific way of finding out just when a second dose of the same or another medicine is needed. This applies to all chronic cases irrespective of potency.
Dr H.C. Allen - Learn to hold and study when distressing symptoms appear after a favourable reaction has followed your first prescription. It is hard lesson to learn but many cases have been spoiled in that way.