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Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 Tested Tips for keeping Allergy away

Things to which body gets hypersensitive and reacts in the form of unwanted symptoms are allergies. These can be either on the skin, an immune response like fever etc, or food allergies. Acute onset and recurrence of symptoms are most irritating factors of allergies. Thus, prevention is the best solution and here are few tips to keep allergies at bay.

1. Early morning schedule -

A regular exercise schedule of min 20 mins stretching and 20 mins Yoga in soft sunlight will help to keep the vitamin D3 levels maintain. This will also help to keep the calcium levels up.

2. Breathing exercise -

Deep breathing in a rhythm like in yoga will help increase in lung capacity. This also keeps lower your anxiety.

3. Proper sleep -

Sleep more or less both ways is a source of illness. For an adult, a good sleep of 7-8 hrs is helpful to keep mind stress free. Most important 'Early to bed and early to rise keeps a person healthy wealthy and wise.'

4. Proper water intake -

Good amount of water intake at a regular interval will keep your body hydrated. This indirectly helps immune response and other physiological functions to work at full.

5. Keep healthy food -

It's really hard to find organic food material. Thus, roof gardens and kitchen gardens are increasing day by day. Taking raw salads and sprouts will help to provide routine vitamins and minerals. Seasonal fruits ones a day by chewing rather than juice will stimulate the appetite and balance metabolism.

Friday, May 13, 2016

5 common myths about homeopathy

(As published on

Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine which is side-effect free and it aims to cure various ailments by uprooting their cause. It is a relatively gentle system of medicine and its effects start showing gradually with an immune response. Some of the most common myths associated with homeopathy are:

Myth 1: Homeopathic medicines are placebos... >
Placebos are usually tablets, pills or other such solid oral medications which do not contain an active drug inside them and are ineffective. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second largest system of medicine. These medicines are not at all useless and they are highly effective as well.

Myth 2: Slow to act and not usable in acute cases

Homeopathic medicines are usually taken in cases of chronic and long-lasting ailments such as arthritis. But there is no such rule that it cannot be taken for curing temporal or viral disorder such as common cold or fever. In fact, they work very well in case of ailments like these and sometimes even faster than allopathic medicine options.

Myth 3: All homeopathic medicines are the same

Due to their physical appearance, all homeopathic medicines might look the same, but in reality, their functionality is very different from each other. Homeopathic medicines usually come from 3000 plant and mineral sources. The most common forms in which homeopathic medicines are manufactured are small, white round pellets, white powder and transparent liquid forms.

Myth 4: Homeopathy is not helpful in surgical issues

Surgical conditions such as hemorrhoids, chronic ear discharge, fissures, and corns are apparently believed to be only treated by allopathic medicines. But this is not the truth. In fact, homeopathy is one of the most effective means of getting rid of your surgery related scars using common agents like calendula.

Myth 5: Homeopathy cannot be combined with allopathy

Normally speaking, allopathic medicines are generally suppressive and they reduce the symptoms occurrences whereas, the homeopathic system is more focused towards going deep to the root cause of the problem and eradicating the same. If taken together, these two systems of medicine will cause you no undesirable side effects and both can work well simultaneously.

9 Tested Solutions for Supermom!

“Nobody nurtures like Mother” is my experience with my mom and now with my kid’s mom. Mother gives their time, energy, health, sleep, habits and long list to go.They forget that one’s ever beautiful women need her time for own health and care. At a certain age most women gets indulge in their daily duties, that they don’t believe in regaining the past.  I bet if every mom starts attending themselves they will become SUPERMOM. In Elite Healers we have talked to lot of women working and house makers and these were the outcomes with definite solutions -
  1. Anxieties at bay Most common excuse for discontinuing exercise is time anxieties. Keep proper schedule and hold it tight to make it a part of routine. Other anxieties for family members, elders,relations and society are all counted in mothers account. To end this accept that everything works on their own.
  2. Reading helps  Books especially of self-help will bring emotional stability. This will give a chance to bring a new shade to your personality. Not only self–help, you can try anything which you love to read or do. Mrs Mehra becomes friend to her daughter and Mrs Gupta to her introvert son. Chirag’s is learning French from his mom while Diksha is mastering cookery under her mom’s guidance.  
  3. Need of health- Most women don’t keep track of their own health. Small issues are totally forgotten and moderate issues are taken care with Home remedies. Thus Half yearly checkups, Hormones study and nourishment levels becomes the most important part of health calendar.
  4. Do delegation  Not delegating the work causes a lot of stress and worries. This messes up with the time and ultimately the same bad routine is on the run. So delegate the work and keep patience for the outcome. Do not micro manage.
  5. Take a break- Yes! Always have a break quarterly or half yearly for minimum 2days. Holiday breaks are always refreshing. Do experiment with your looks, style or set new goals. Try to organize your schedule and health plans during this. You can remain home and take break. But be strict for it.
  6. Install hobby- Anything which you love to do for hour without being tired can be your hobby. Try to grow it and improve to level of your own satisfaction. This will keep mind refreshing and calm.
  7. Meditation- Mothers doing meditation don’t have to struggle. It improves calmness, stability, focus and acceptance to make life easier. Only an hour of meditation is enough for a day."Consistency is the key to Success".
  8. Sometimes online - It may feel absurd in the world of connectivity to remain limited from social connection. I would say keep away from fake friends. Everybody knows this and is fade up of the bulk messages yet nobody gets away from these apps. Keep limited to real ones and you will feel calm and secure. 
  9. SMART setting - Everything above said is achievable with SMART goal. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goal. Keep it in mind that "Rome was not build in a day."
This will make you super in Health, Mind and Knowledge – #SUPERMOM.
#supermom #mothersday
Thanks and Regards - Dr. Rahul Kolamkar.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How To Tune Your Body and Mind With Meditation

My last article comments made me to write this article. Thanks to all those who asked about meditation, you are the inspiration for this article.
Medication is for body and Meditation is for soul. In today's world of commerce and materialism we had forgotten that we are not what we are. Our body is just an instrument and the life(Vital) force is some thing which make us differ from a dead. Force is generated by energy which have vibrations and waves. Meditation is the process to tune the vibration of the energy which brings life to us. As good is the tuning the better is the vibrations, and as vibrations are better the best is your life performance.
Lets have a look on how to start with meditation
1. Need of Meditation: Need is the mother of all inventions. For every human being if you don't have a need you can't see the path. Same way the need to calmness, stability or any other immaterial demands can keep you focus initially.
2. Faith: A quality which brings hope to your vision. Faith is a proved phenomenon which helps you to act in such a way to get every thing you need. Just it has to be charged 100%. A single percent of doubt can bring fractured fulfillment.
3. Consistency: A key to every success. Mediation is not a process of days or weeks, its habit. The more you practice the more you are at core. Initially it seems to be slow moving but as you get connected, you will never feel the slowness. So keep doing.
4. Start from where you are: Don't hunt a place for meditation. Its a process of getting connected and not disconnected, so you can start from you room also. Just make sure you are not disturbed by your phone or door bell.
5. Time: The best time for the one who is starting is the early morning schedule. Human brains are in alpha mode which is best suited while meditating. But if you are night watcher then it will be more of lethargic. So early to bed and early to rise.
These basic steps will surely help to take you to next level of pro. Now remains the question of whom to follow? Its your personal choice to follow any technique, just make sure its has an immaterial approach. One cannot buy a immaterial thing with material cost. Avoid loud and noisy techniques as you are doing it for inner peace and calmness. Thank you

Five Tested Tips That Keep Your Mood Up

(An article cherished on health feeds)

Daily routines and fast lives have always been a source of mood swings. Today most people are suffering from mood swings knowingly or unknowingly. These mood swings, if repeated can bring a lot of stress because they impact our personal and professional lives. The outcome of this is sense of dejection. This dejection can project itself in the form of sadness, depression, gloominess, anger, and even sleeplessness. Then how can we over come it?
Following are five result oriented tips to keep your mood up:
  1. Make a SMART scheduleA smart schedule is one which is specific, measurable, and time bound. This helps you keep all your tasks in line. Following this you can manage to complete multiple tasks throughout the day.
  2. Know when it's time to take a breakResearch has shown that the brain working continuously in one track gets bored easily. The other side is that brain finds it hard to concentrate on one issue for too long. Thus, taking a break makes the brain refresh and focus completely in the game again. 
  3. Exercise regularlyExercise improves our health and increases our pain bearing capacity. It also improves the overall muscle strength. Regular exercise keeps the serotonin levels up, which is the hormone responsible for happiness. 
  4. Read more or explore new musicIf you are interested in reading then read some books on self help. Books of interest bring joy to the brain. If you enjoy music then try to explore genres, find songs that soothe you. It has been seen that the brain responds well to music and functions better. 
  5. Meditate regularlyMeditation is the key to maintain our inner stability. We build up a lot of expectations out of our daily lives and if not met, they make us feel sadness or anger. Both of these have can impact our health a lot. Meditation increases all the constructive activities of the body which are needed for healing or balancing our health. 
All these habits are time tested and have shown good results for anyone who has practiced them regularly. Consistency in following these is the key to successfully managing stress.