After so many years of his death, Homoeopathy is getting rooted
as basic healthcare system in world. People who tried it, never left it and
doctors who practiced it whole heartedly, never died unknown. On this day of
his birth anniversary, all the Homoeopaths (practioners and non practioners of
homoeopathy) gather together to felicitate the so called “father of Homoeopathy”
– Mahatma Hahnemann and what not. Cakes are cut, sweets are distributed and
garlands are dedicated. But the question comes to mind – DO WE REALLY LIKE
Hahnemann was a man who was dissatisfied with the practices in
healthcare that time. He had a vision of how the cure should be and carved his
vision with passion resulting Homoeopathy. He never thought of himself. The mission
was a balanced cure. A cure which will lower down the further sufferings of a
sufferer with the help of Nature’s law, the ultimate reason for existence of
human being on earth. People discarded
his observations, made joke of him, force him to live like a vagabond. But he
never complained of such hard times as he knew that the result will be pure. He
always wanted homoeopathy to be scientific, organized, reasonable and
dedicated. His understandings of laws made us so efficient to tackle today’s fatal
conditions with those old (gold) rules in organon.
Here are we paying our tributes to this great man by
fighting – Homoeopaths with non practicing homoeopaths. Different thought
process followers - making statements against each other. Showing once deepest understanding
of Homoeopathy than other. Bad words, abuses, critics and allegations making
the whole surrounding muddy. So “Do we really like Hahnemann?”
If we really like Hahnemann then we must stop criticizing
fellow doctors. Let them do what they like, Hahnemann never forced anybody to
do homoeopathy then why should we? Stop
behaving like a religious cult member. Understand the different thought process
to reach the ultimate goal set by Hahnemann i.e. CURE.
He is the best follower who
takes the quality of his master and implement it in his life. Because a real
master is never pleased by flowers, sweets and facebook likes.
I know few are still criticizing me, but ask yourselves - AM
A small video I had dedicated, which I am following and
trying to pay my tribute to the noble man HAHNEMANN.