I was about to go to my clinic. A person came to me hurriedly. Asked "can homoeopathy regenerate a kidney failed organ?". After a little pause to keep his hopes I said "one can genuinely try, but not for sure". He abruptly replied ok! so you don't know, you are still a new comer.
After a few months I came to know that he died due to the disease. He was under some other doctor's treatment for regenerating his lost kidneys. But the time didn't permit. He has to leave the world. That doctor was also a well known physician. He also tried his level best to help that fellow. But something went wrong.
He was under the influence that doctor has the SURE key to his disease. While doctor was just TRYing his level best by applying his long standing experience. The day he understood the fact, he got despair and rest was the story.
Here the doctor was not a Homoeopath, but does it matters? A doctor is physician first and then a therapeutic master, not a GOD.