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Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 Tested Tips for keeping Allergy away

Things to which body gets hypersensitive and reacts in the form of unwanted symptoms are allergies. These can be either on the skin, an immune response like fever etc, or food allergies. Acute onset and recurrence of symptoms are most irritating factors of allergies. Thus, prevention is the best solution and here are few tips to keep allergies at bay.

1. Early morning schedule -

A regular exercise schedule of min 20 mins stretching and 20 mins Yoga in soft sunlight will help to keep the vitamin D3 levels maintain. This will also help to keep the calcium levels up.

2. Breathing exercise -

Deep breathing in a rhythm like in yoga will help increase in lung capacity. This also keeps lower your anxiety.

3. Proper sleep -

Sleep more or less both ways is a source of illness. For an adult, a good sleep of 7-8 hrs is helpful to keep mind stress free. Most important 'Early to bed and early to rise keeps a person healthy wealthy and wise.'

4. Proper water intake -

Good amount of water intake at a regular interval will keep your body hydrated. This indirectly helps immune response and other physiological functions to work at full.

5. Keep healthy food -

It's really hard to find organic food material. Thus, roof gardens and kitchen gardens are increasing day by day. Taking raw salads and sprouts will help to provide routine vitamins and minerals. Seasonal fruits ones a day by chewing rather than juice will stimulate the appetite and balance metabolism.

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